This table provides seven categories of information for three beautiful places, Scotland, England and Wales. Over all, these nations have few similar characteristics.

Starting with population, the least is Wales which has 2.6 million people while Scotland has just 5.2 million, followed by the highest with 47million which is England. Again England has the biggest land area; it is around double of Scotland and 6 times of Wales. In like manner, the entire group shares the same cool and wet climate, but the terrain is almost same between Scotland and Wales are mountainous but in England it’s mainly flat. All these countries have official language which is English. Like Wales has two main languages English and Welsh. Scotland also has two language English and Gaelic. So sure the England has English too as official language. In the Scotland most

of the economy’s dependence on oil production engineering and tourism. Other counties economy completely different, like England they have manufacturing, chemical and commercial services same with Wales, it have mainly agriculture with manufacturing and mining. Turning to exports, we can see that no of this group have the same exports each one of them have his own exportation, and this make them stronger, because each of them dependence on each other . Wales the export the wool, dairy products and coal. Scotland has the Oil, heavy engineering products and fish. They are not like export the industrial products, pharmaceuticals and the banking services same as England it do. And in Wales the export the wool, dairy products and coal.
To sum up, none of the countries has much in common. Nevertheless, I think this good for each of them to keep the life moving between them.